Events in Jamaica inn occurred in the early 19th century. Set bodmin moored in the song, a cold and lonely place, in the southwest corner of England. When Mary arrived at the inn, she can't help comparing cold empty berth and warm village helford, she just left.
Mary yellan is invited her aunt patience to a life with her and her husband, jose merlyn, died, Mary's mother. Joe silk owner, Jamaica inn, a mysterious place where to stand, only bodmin anchor in the wild countryside. Mary soon discovered that a few guests to sty t inn, and respected, avoid completely. The landlord is an evil character who tried to from the start with the rule of Mary's life will be like him, her aunt's.
As the development of the story, though, her back to the difficult situation, she found herself in a don't be afraid to do what she believe is right, even if it means she put her own life in danger.
The nature of the central, the story, Mary yellan, get our sympathy for her courage, in the face of evil.
孤儿玛丽和她的舅舅一起生活在海边的小镇上。不料最近连续发生了几起灾难性的船只触礁事件,玛丽意识到这不是简单的触礁事故。就在这时,走私海盗向她撒了一张无形的黑洞。 影片根据达芙妮.杜.马瑞尔的同名小说改编,故事发生在十九世纪英国沿海某地,一群海盗经常打劫搁浅的货船,手段残忍凶狠.父母双双去世的爱尔兰女孩马丽前往该地投奔自己的姨妈,途中她遇到了当地的富绅夏菲力.在他的帮助下,马丽很快找到了姨妈所开设的“牙买加旅店”,但不久她就发现旅店竟然是海盗们的据点…… 这部影片是著名导演希区柯克离开英国前的一部惊险片。影片自始至终都很紧张,发生了许许多多让你意想不到的惊险故事。希区柯克最擅长营造气氛紧张、剌激惊险、勾人心魄的故事情节,从而他拍的电影总是使票房大大上升。此片后希区柯克在美国拍出了《蝴蝶梦》,但没有得到最佳导演金像奖。直到1979年,希区柯克荣获美国电影学会颁发的终生成就奖。 对很多人来说,“希区柯克”这个名字再也不仅是一个名字,而是代表了一种电影手法的精神、成了悬疑惊悚的代名词;而希区柯克著名的那个人头侧像剪影,也不仅只是单纯的剪影,它还成了这“希区柯克精神”的一个图腾意向。 称呼这位由英国来到好莱坞发展的导演为恐怖大师,他当之无愧!相信只要是喜爱心理惊悚恐怖剧的观众,一定会对“希区柯克”这个名字感到熟悉,自大师以后的许多相同类型剧,或多或少都会被拿来与希区柯克做研究比较一翻。这位世界所公认的恐怖大师,事实上也是由他发明了“惊悚文艺类影片”(the thriller genre)这一电影类型。阿佛莱德·希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)同时也是个优秀的技师,熟练的把性感、悬疑、幽默都融合在一部电影里。